AB 2509 — a new bill authored by Waldron (R-Escondido) — would allow for greater employee flexibility in work schedules. This bill, which made the California Chamber of Commerce’s 2018 “Job Creator” list, would allow 8-hour non-exempt employees the opportunity to leave 30 minutes earlier by requesting an “on-duty” meal period. (Employers are prohibited under existing law from having an employee work over 5 hours without providing a 30-minute meal period.)
Designed to retain employees by allowing flexibility for personal appointments and needs, AB 2509 would require that the employee request the “on duty” meal period to their employer in writing. This would only be allowed to be requested by the employee, and employers would be prohibited from encouraging an employee to take an on duty meal period.
Track the bill at https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB2509
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