Employment Counseling

Our experienced team will counsel your business in difficult situations
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Employment Counseling Attorneys

Lester, Cantrell & Kraus, LLP’s experienced employment counseling attorneys have been representing business owners throughout Southern California for more than two decades.

Our thorough knowledge of federal and California employment laws puts us in a prime spot to advise your business on all types of employee concerns, including termination, malicious accusations and other difficult situations. We can also assist with creating a bulletproof employee handbook for your company, look over your employment contracts, and offer multiple solutions should your company get sued by an employee.

By discussing your unique needs with us, our Riverside employment counseling attorneys can help find the best solutions for your problem, offering legal options that will help your business save money and possibly its reputation. If you want to start your own company, we can counsel you on everything from forming a corporation or LLC, obtaining business licenses and permits, registering a trademark, protecting your intellectual property, and much more.

Running a business in California can be extremely complex, which is why you need an experienced business lawyer to advise you along the way. Lester, Cantrell & Kraus, LLP specializes in employment law throughout Southern California. Call us at (951) 300-2690 to arrange a consultation in our Riverside or Newport Beach office.

Arrange a Consultation

Lester & Cantrell’s experienced employment counseling attorneys are ready to help. To arrange a confidential consultation with a skilled lawyer in Riverside, call 951-300-2690 or contact us online. We also meet clients by appointment in Newport Beach.
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